Jennifer Eik is focused on reducing the graduation gap for Latinos in our community. Jenni was hired at Roosevelt High School to launch a Spanish Heritage curriculum that uses culturally relevant pedagogy. Her courses focus on English as a second language at the same time as exploring Latino culture, history, and identity. Students who had felt marginalized discover ways to express themselves through spoken word, music, and community projects. Remarkably, Roosevelt High’s Hispanic student graduation rates increased last year by about 15 percentage points, and Roosevelt’s principal credits the Spanish Heritage program.
Teacher, Roosevelt High School
Youth Development Volunteer, U.S. Peace Corps – San Vicente, Ecuador (2009-11)
Featured in MinnPost: "Spanish heritage program at Roosevelt High helps boost Latino graduation rates, student voice"
MELA (Minnesota Educational Leadership Award) Winner, 2015
Jenna Cushing-Leubner was the facilitator of my Professional Learning Community (PLC) group in grad school. She facilitated the conversations in a way that pushed my cohort members and me to reflect on and examine our racialized experiences. For many of us, including myself, it was the first time we were guided through that process. My time in the PLC with Jenna greatly impacted who I became as an educator. I am happy today to call her a colleague and a friend.
My students are brilliant and incredibly resilient. I am inspired by the way that they navigate and read the world each and every day.
Powerlifting, watching and singing along to RENT, happy hour.
Compassionate, tranquil, easy to talk to.
Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur
Nina Simone!
Thinking, organizing, and engaging in activism with young people.
A professional rollerblader.
Besides education, being a Broadway performer is my dream job.