If you are interested in declaring, adding, or changing to one of the following majors, please contact your advisor and let them know which major you're interested in.
Once you have expressed interest in your major, your advisor will email you at the start of each semester informing you of the academic standards* and process for declaring your major. You may not yet meet the standards for declaring your major, but we will share this process with you each semester so you will know what to expect when you're ready to declare.
The deadline for declaring, adding, or changing your CEHD major is Friday, February 9, 2024, for an admission term of Fall 2024. Please contact your advisor to discuss your next steps.
The declaration process is only for current CEHD students.
*The current academic standards for major declaration may change in future semesters if there are program changes.
If you are interested in applying to the Integrated Degree Program, please contact your CEHD Student Services advisor for instructions on applying.
If you are interested in pursuing a second degree (that is, a degree other than a B.S., such as a B.A. or B.S.B.):
If you want to earn a second major or a minor (for example, adding a Spanish major in addition to your elementary education foundations major), the first step is to visit with the department offering that program. The department will direct you to follow a specific application process. This usually includes meeting with an advisor and filling out a form, which is then filed and shared with both the college office of the department offering the major/minor and your home college.
Contact the Student Services staff in 360 Education Sciences Building at 612-625-3339 or cehdinfo@umn.edu.